it's always so refreshing to meet people outside The Industry. i mean, usually they're doing something a little more worthwhile than trying to sell stuff, but that's beside the point. really, it's just nice not to talk business and throw jargon around all the time. i recently met someone who gets lost when i start talking about design and tech, and i love it! here i am blathering on about usability and she's like, uhhhh what's an app? hah. it's so cool.
anyway, this post doesn't have too much of a point. i was just reading a guilty pleasure of a blog called
Your Girlfriend is Ugly. it's witty, sarcastic and generally just makes me laugh for a minute before getting back to the task at hand. well, the author recently wrote a post about comps that made me laugh, mainly because i just finished describing to my friend what a "comp" is. you can read the entry
here if you desire. while it may not be her absolute funniest (in my opinion), i certainly appreciated it. but really, she's funny. i've been known to procrastinate way too long on her blog.