i'm kind of addicted to Etsy these days. i lived in my loft for almost 2 years without putting up most of my art (disgrace), and then i was laid off. begin color explosion of the home. now i don't have nearly enough wall space for all the prints/photos/paintings/etc that i love...and keep buying. i've even put art up in my closets.
anyway, here's another print i really want to buy, but i think this time i'm going to resist (since i still have about 6 prints to find wall space for). i guess i'll have to buy a bigger home.

Go check out
Charmiane Olivia on Etsy!
i actually really love the art in my closet. my best friend made it for me and every morning i get dressed in there and look at the sun and beach and a big "YEAH!" and the day starts out a little better. i highly suggest you put motivational artwork wherever you get dressed for the day.